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Something else worth noting about eHarmony, which you can see in the graph above, is that more than 4. The name says it all — ChristianMingle is a dating site dedicated to helping Christian приведу ссылку meet, get to know each other, and fall in love. Based on our experience and years of research, OurTime is one of the best free senior dating sites — hands down. Before you make a decision, here are some of the things you should know about free dating websites in the United Kingdom and the benefits of becoming a premium account holder.
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Review of the best dating sites for over 50 singles to find love online. Over 50 dating seems like a challenge for most of the older singles. Society was not ready to accept that those over 50 can date online. This has been slowly changing and the invention of these sites have helped to correct this. Now these over 50 singles sites give you a place to turn where you won't have to worry about people taunting you about your age.
Over 50 dating sites are restricted to only those who are older and looking to date. You can't join if you are a younger single. This gives people over 50 a sanctuary to turn to in order to find a date. Maybe even more if you have a good time.
The problem is that there are many over 50 dating sites online. Picking the right one is difficult. There are good ones, bad ones, and ones that are scams. That is why we are here today. We are going to help you find the best dating sites for over 50 singles.
#1 SeniorMatch
SeniorMatch is an online seniors dating site with a focus on users over 50 years of age and does not allow members under the age of 45. All users are manually censored by a human. However, the platform is designed to be very versatile. Not all seniors are looking for a serious date. Some of them are looking for a companion or a buddy. SeniorMatch takes that in mind. SeniorMatch also has a team of dating experts that write dating blogs and other content that you will likely find pretty helpful. Reading through their content will help you to get a better grasp of online over 50 dating if you are still new to it.
#2 eHarmony
eHarmony is the best option for finding a serious relationship. A big claim made by eHarmony is that they are responsible for an average of over 500 marriages around the world every day. With over 10 million active users, that is a very real possibility. eharmony uses a mix of personality questions and descriptions in order to attract other over 50 singles to your profile. Resulting in a good number of matches. While eharmony may not be quite as big of a name as, it is also a big name in the online dating world. Their dedication to helping over 50 singles find a place to date, combined with how well known they are, makes it a must for any list of over 50 dating sites.
#3 OurTime
OurTime is a pretty well known over 50 dating site, partially because of the television ads you may have seen. A lot of the users love the fact that the website is very well ordered. You can easily find each feature that you want. Not only that, it is done in an attractive manner. Both make the website easier to use. Despite being well ordered and attractive, the website is powerful, featuring a large number of search filters and a chatroom for users interact on. All of this because OurTime is dedicated to providing a quality platform.
Dating Websites For Over 50
#4 was founded by Gary Kremen and Peng T. Ong in 1993. Guarantee: If you don't find someone special during your first six months, you'll get another 6 months free. They have quite a lot of features and tools available, but what makes it such a powerful dating website is how many users they have. has over 25 million users on its website. When it comes to dating over 50 online, is one of the biggest names. With that being true, it has to be on the list of best dating sites for over 50. The company does a great job at creating a place for seniors to turn to in order to find a new life partner.
#5 LumenApp
Lumen is a new dating app for those over 50. A dating app that is designed to be friendly and easy to use. Something that is important for singles who may be less familiar with complex dating apps that often appear on phones. The idea behind the app is that you get connected with other like-minded people. When browsing other users you see what traits you have in common. Whether it is working in the same industry, hobbies, or other such things. You can use the Lumen app on iPhone or Android for free. At this point in time, you cannot use Lumen on your computer. This may be a drawback for some people.
#6 SilverSingles

SilverSingles has created a community for singles who are over 50. To help match users SilverSingles utilizes a fairly detailed personality test. It is estimated that the test takes around 30 minutes. After the test, you can upload a photo and setup your profile in the way that you want. Safety and security are an important part of SilverSingles. The website is set up to use the latest security standards, including with their credit card processing. But most importantly, they are very particular about the users they allow on their website. All users are verified by a human. It would take a fair amount of work for someone to set up a fake profile on SilverSingles.
#7 50more
50More is a website that aims to help you find at least 50 more happy years when you are a senior single. The idea behind the site is to make the site easy and quick to use. They use a three prong tool to make matches. They measure your vitality, openness, and culture. A test they call VOC. Based on this they make recommendations to you. Most of this is done upfront so you don't have to spend time doing it while you are looking for matches. After signing up for 50More you have immediate access to free messaging. You can talk with any and all of your matches for the life of your account without having to pay.

#8 Stitch
Stitch is a website designed by people who wanted to foster a community of companionship and activities. While it may not be a dating site, often the activities and sense of companionship you build up through Stitch leads to something more. A large number of community members end up finding a significant other. The Stitch website does several things to help connect older singles. There are real-world activities such as events and local activities. An online forum allows you to interact with others on the website. Group travel is also a popular activity on the Stitch website.
#9 50Plus-Club
50Plus-Club is an online club for those over 50. While it is an over 50 dating site, it is also a place that you can turn to find friends, ask questions, and interact. It includes local groups that you can find in your own community, not just an online community. At 50Plus-Club you will also find a quality magazine. The magazine contains a lot of helpful articles to provide you with information on life, dating, and all sorts of interesting content. Most of the magazine is free to browse, even without a membership and is great for people of all ages.
#10 EliteSingles
EliteSingles is best for those at the prime of their life. Just because you are over 50 doesn't mean that you aren't at the prime of your life. That is the theory behind EliteSingles. The website is also considered an elite place as the majority of their users have at least a bachelor's degree, if not more. In order to help users find each other, EliteSingles uses a personality test. All profiles are manually reviewed to verify they are a real person. Using your personality test and search, EliteSingles sends you a list potential matches. They call these matches your partner proposals. You will get about 3 to 7 matches per day.