Plenty Of Fish Advertising
Welcome to Plenty of Fish! Being part of our global community means that you have a commitment from us to help ensure that you feel welcomed, safe, and free to be yourself. Plenty of Fish is a Canadian online dating service, popular primarily in Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Spain, Brazil, and the United States. It is available in nine languages. The company, based in Vancouver, British Columbia generates revenue through advertising and premium memberships. Clickbank With Plenty of Fish Advertising Platforms VIDEO Case Study- NOOB friendly. 9 years ago 928 views. If you’ve ever dreamed of being able to target potential customers that relate directly to your business you will love Plenty of Fish Advertising. Our POF advertising service will give your online marketing campaigns a massive edge over your customers and provide you with the sort of targeted leads pay per click campaigns can only dream of.
I’ve been making money for awhile now using Facebook’s self serve platform, but I’ve recently started using Plenty Of Fish’s self serve ad platform over at Although it can’t match the level of traffic that Facebook can give you, you can still easily do $100-$200 a day on there without much effort. I’m seeing POF getting more attention these days, and if you are in the dating niche at all, you should take the time to check it out. Here are 7 reasons why I like using POF self serve ads over Facebook’s ad platform.
Near real-time stats. Although they have a slight delay, POF updates your stats very quickly. With Facebook, it takes at least 15 minutes to update their stats. I know people who have blown $2k in under 20 minutes on FB, so having near real-time stats is something I’m really appreciating.
Tons of targeting options. POF offers a ton of targeting options that you can really take advantage of to improve your CTR. It’s obvious that you can use ethnicity, body type, religion to target niche dating sites (and you should), but you can also be really creative and make use of some of many of the other targeting options as well.
Change targeting on the fly. With Facebook, when you want to change your ad demographics, you need to submit a new ad and go through their draconian approval process. With POF, you can change any of the targeting options of your campaign or of individual creatives on the fly. This is a really awesome feature, that makes testing a whole lot easier.
More Lenient Reviewers. This could change at any time, but in my experience POF reviewers are a lot less strict in terms of pictures and ad copy. There’s no need to include the dating site you’re promoting, plus you can call out user attributes like age and location. Even better, take advantage of the dynamic insertion syntax so you can add the current viewers age, location and gender directly into the ad. Facebook reviewers on the other hand are a real pain in the ass to deal with their strict rules and inconsistent interpretations of them.
Cheaper Traffic. For similar demographics, POF is definitely cheaper then bidding on Facebook. That’s only natural as Facebook dating is one of the most saturated traffic sources around.
Same ad format as Facebook. Do you have a working campaign on Facebook? Then you can port it over to POF pretty easily since their ad format is the same, image sizes and all. Don’t expect all your ads to perform the same on both platforms though. I’ve found performance to vary quite a bit between the two.

Demographic targeting. This is a really cool targeting tool lets you get the demographic breakdown based on interests of the users on POF. It’s sort of like a Quantcast for POF. Make sure to take advantage of it.

There’s a huge myth that says you can’t promote free dating sites on a free dating site like POF. You can and people do. Plus, if you are already making money with Facebook ads, you should be able to do the same on POF with minimal effort. So what are you waiting for? As Mr Green likes to say, “Plenty of Fish, Plenty Of Money”.
Are you already killing it with Facebook Ads? Or maybe you are just getting killed and not making any money at all!? Another excellent source for driving traffic to your affiliate offers is the free dating social network, Think Facebook… but focused towards online dating.
Plenty of Fish is one of the largest free dating sites in the world, and as a marketer, I can tell you they also have an amazing back end for advertising on their network. Facebook has a ton of demographic targeting, but Plenty of Fish really drills down on personal preference, education, occupation and income levels. If you have successfully made a profit on running dating campaigns with Facebook, you should be able to do the same, if not better with Plenty of Fish.
Obvious dating offers are one of the hottest and easiest offers to promote and see results. The majority of users on Plenty of Fish are already single and looking for online dating, so hitting them with a new dating site is just what they want. However, more than regular ad campaigns, you will really need to drill down on what ad creatives pull in the best results and click through rates.
If you have an affiliate or product offer and know what the demographics are of the average buyer, then Plenty of Fish is a great network for testing and marketing to your direct audience. Dating on Plenty of Fish is always going to be saturated since it’s the focus of the network, so think outside of the box to find a new campaigns that isn’t being heavily pushed.
Just like advertising on Facebook Ads, the process of manually adding new ad campaigns one at a time is a tedious and frustrating task. Lucky for us, Mr. Green has created the Plenty of Fish Ad Uploader. Just like the 4 Hour Affiliate plugin, I’ve been using Mr. Green’s Ad Uploader for months now.
How much is your time worth? You can keep manually uploading campaigns one at a time, or invest in the Plenty of Fish Ad Uploader for only $100 and start focusing on what matters most, your ROI and CTR.
Plenty Of Fish Advertising Cost
Read a full review on how the Plenty of Fish Ad Uploader works and how it can drastically improve your roi, time management and ad campaigns for Plenty of Fish advertising.
Plenty Of Fish Advertising
Plenty Of Fish Advertising Rates
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