Match Marriage Site

About LoveVivah. LoveVivah is a leading Indian matrimonial matchmaking service provider. We offer trusted & authentic matrimonial profiles for those who are looking for Indian brides and grooms for marriage. Our team is committed to provide 360 degree solutions to all prospective Indian brides and grooms for marriage.
Online Dating at Every year, hundreds of thousands of people find love on pioneered the Internet dating industry, launching in 1995 and today serves millions of singles in 24 continues to redefine the way single men and single women meet, flirt, date and fall in love, proving time and again that you can make love happen through online dating., The World's No.1 Matchmaking Service, was founded with a simple objective - to help people find happiness. (sometimes mis-spelt as, or is a social networking site specialising in matchmaking and not just a matrimonial service.
Marriage Match Making
Marriage is a life-long commitment that widens your horizons and the purpose of existence on this earth.The beginning of family gives you an opportunity to be selfless as you will have to now take care of your spouse and children. It is not just a physical union. Good marriage is good for your health.

Our serving network is spread so far in the world like (USA, UK,
Canada, Europe, Australia, Germany, Thailand, Saudi Arabia, U.A.E).
We provide services for every kind of proposals like (Business man,
Doctors, Engineers, Factory honers, Army Officers, Burro crate, CA,
We are serving the humanity since 15 years. We always serve humanity with passion & devotion.

Desi Jodi takes every minute detail in high regards, and would ask you to read on to know more about our strict terms and conditions, making our site the safest matrimonial match online.
- Desi Jodi would not and is not responsible for lack of matrimonial matches
- Desi Jodi provides no refunds or money back guarantees on any of its services, vendors included
- Desi Jodi takes no responsibility on individual matters prior to the wedding and thereafter
- Desi Jodi does not perform background checks or personal checks for the client
- Every registered member on Desi Jodi is of age 22 and above
- Only with the permission of the client, would personal contact details, email addresses, telephone numbers, addresses and status quo of the candidate would be shared, not otherwise.
- Desi Jodi has no responsibility over the vendors associated with the portal, their offers, services and products. Personal checks on behalf of the client on the vendors status quo is not the responsibility of Desi Jodi
- It is agreed by you to use the site as per the terms and conditions mentioned and set forth on Desi Jodi
- Client requirements would be honoured, and specifications for the matches would be taken into high esteem, sans the guarantee on the number of introductions made
- Post the introduction, it is left to the client to contact one another, through any form they deem fit, Desi Jodi wouldn’t involve itself in the process or wouldn’t take responsibility for the same